
Becoming a master grinder

Our goal is to improve the lifetime and maintain the quality of your drill bit buttons. To achieve this, competent grinding personnel is a big part of the equation. Whether you are using in field machinery or operating a grinding shop we have the training you need.
Our courses include both operation and maintenance of machinery. We also wish to impart our knowledge on why grinding is beneficial to your drilling operation.

Straightforward information in a simple format

Our interactive grinding academy is available in both pc and fully mobile format. The academy is based on interactive material and instructional videos. Don’t hesitate to become a master grinder!

Tailor-made training - Digital or physical courses

We offer both a fully digital course material or a combination of digital and real-life education in our grinding test facility.

Welcome to our grinding academy

Learn all you need to know about the grinding process today. You are only a few steps away from becoming a grinding expert!
To the academy
Welcome to our grinding academy
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